High military officer's ceremonial object, sometimes intricately decorated.
Examples for "commander's staff"
Examples for "commander's staff"
1The sun was mirrored in the shining coat of his horse, and in the lictor's axe he bore, carrying it like a commander's staff.
1Never will he have a finer opportunity to gain the marshal's baton.
2It will be a jolly sight more useful than a marshal's baton!
3It is the marshal's baton in our profession, as the old actor said.
4That field- marshal's baton may have been in your pack after all!
5Glory and the field- marshal's baton, after fifty-one years of hard work!
6Who gave me the ducal title, and the marshal's baton?
7Gassion, who had just earned his marshal's baton, was the sole exception to the rule.
8He who has a major's epaulettes at thirty may carry a marshal's baton at fifty.
9No one, least of all myself, guessed that you carried a field- marshal's baton in your knapsack.
10May my cane grow into a marshal's baton.
11PRIVATE, n. A military gentleman with a field- marshal's baton in his knapsack and an impediment in his hope.
12There was a time when the mighty Napoleon said that every soldier carried a marshal's baton in his knapsack.
13Grandmother is the field- marshal's baton.
14Neither will there be any objections to the survivors bringing back a marshal's baton, if they can get one.
15Vandamme, however, was ambitious of earning the marshal's baton by something more than mere obedience to an order received.
16After the battle of Polotsk, Wittgenstein was compelled to withdraw, and Gouvion St. Cyr received at last his marshal's baton.
Translations for marshal's baton